5 ways to help ‘maskne’

Here we are again, lockdown. 

Masks are compulsory everywhere you go and although we are grateful for being able to keep ourselves and others safe, it’s clear that our skin is not saying thank you.  Constantly trapped underneath our masks and collecting bacteria, ‘maskne’ was born. 

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I want to share with you my top 5 tips on how to help control ‘maskne’ and keep yourself feeling fresh and glowing throughout lockdown. 

  1. First and foremost, limit your makeup!
    We’ve all be subject to the vicious circle of wearing more makeup to cover up the spots, and the spots multiplying in what feels like their hundreds. Take this time to reduce the amount of makeup you wear at home or under your mask. If you feel like you need a little something, try a mineral based foundation instead of liquid and help your pores breath.

  2. Wear the right mask…
    By swapping your current mask for masks that are snug, but comfortable, and made from a natural, breathable fabric, such as cotton, it is kinder to your skin. Also softer, smoother fabrics on the inside of the mask will be nicer to sensitive skin and hopefully cause you less irritation.

  3. Invest in some key skin care staples;
    Here at Update Aesthetics I always try to use the best products on my skin, and can offer you access to medical grade Obagi skincare. Making the investment in some high end skin care will, in my option, always pay off. Where you use it weekly or as a daily routine it will help protect, rejuvenate and add radiance to your face.

  4. This brings me on to point four, keep it simple!
    Keeping your skin care routine simple is one of the hardest things, but less really is more, and the less you can interfere with your skin, the better it will recover. Try and just cleanse twice a day and use an SPF moisturiser to rehydrate and protect.

  5. Wash your masks regularly…
    Yes, I know. It seems like such a clear, obvious thing to do, but most of us don’t wash our masks nearly as often as we should. Wash in hot water to kill any germs with hypoallergenic laundry detergent to avoid further skin irritation, you should try and wash it everyday if viable.

I hope this has given you some insight into simple steps you can take at home to help improve your chances of winning against the ‘maskne’. In the mean time, you can get hold of me for an online skin consultation and  find out how using Obagi can change your skin. 


Nina x


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