Lip filler, why does it have such a bad reputation?

Why do we associate lip fillers with ‘trout pout’ and what can we do to avoid it?

It’s not unknown that a lot more people are experimenting in injectable treatments, but many are scared to know where to start, where to go and what to expect from the results. 

At Update Aesthetics our motto is very much less is more, we want to enhance the best of what you naturally have, without making you feel like you look ‘fake’ or ‘overdone’. We especially find that a lot of older ladies are more conscious of having their lips filled and have a negative misconception, even though this can often help resolve some of their ageing concerns. 

So how can you help yourself achieve your wanted results? 

1: Listen to your practitioner

If you have done your research and picked a practitioner, it is likely they will have a lot more knowledgeable answers than google. You may go in with an idea of the area you want to be treated, but they may explain that you would be better suited to an alternative. For example, ‘smokers lines’ are often formed on an older face, whether you have been a smoker or not, this is unfortunately sometimes an unavoidable part of your skin ageing.

2:Make sure you do your research into who you are going to see    

You can never guarantee anything, however by researching carefully into your practitioners medical background and results to make sure they can deliver what you desire, you will more likely have a positive outcome. There are so many horror stories that we hear about botched lips and undesired results, so don’t be tempted by cheaper prices or unprofessional salons.

If you pay cheap you’ll likely pay twice. 

3:Know the types of fillers that would suit you 

The filler market is often expanding, and if you do your research there are some well known brand names that will creep up more often. It is important to know that plumping is often associated with collagen, but this is not a substance you necessarily want to inject into your lips. Instead look into Hyaluronic acid based fillers, such as Juvederm or Teoxane, this is a substance which is naturally occurring in your body and attracts water, leaving the tissues plumper and hydrated with a natural looking result.  

4:When will you know the results outcome? 

It is true that you can expect to be swollen for at least 24 hours post filler treatment, this will not be your end result and will subside as the filler integrates with your tissues, so do not fear you will not be left with a big pout, simply a little bit sore as the swelling subsides. This can be easily rectified with regular icing and avoiding alcohol for at least the first 24hours prior and post treatment, in turn, you will have less of a chance of bruising by following these steps. 

Trust the process, lip filler is a treatment used to correct a plethora of concerns, including ageing, scars and uneven shape. If this sounds like something that would help you, book in using the book now link and allow our expert Nurses to guide you.


Nina x


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