The ‘freezing fear’ and why botox has such a bad rep…

Many people come in for dermal filler treatments and instantly recoil when Botox is suggested as a treatment path. 

“I don’t want to look frozen”

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It is a phrase we are well accustomed to, but this should not be the case. A good practitioner should always carry out an extensive consultation to make sure you are aware of what the treatment involves and to gage exactly what your areas of concern are and how you would like to look and feel afterwards. 

“I want to be able to move my face”

When done by an experienced, qualified practitioner this is easy enough to achieve. Their medical training will insure they know how to administrate botox in a way that tailors to the amount your muscles need and the areas you wish to address. 

“Botox is a toxin and therefore dangerous” 

Not necessarily, yes it is a toxin however it is an FDA approved substance the has many medical purposes as well as acting as an anti-wrinkle agent. One of our most popular treatments with botox is fast becoming one for (bruxism) teeth grinding and clenching. This not only aesthetically helps to give the jaw a slimming effect but also relieves pain, tension, headaches and the wearing of teeth.  

More and more people find they are suffering with this after such a stressful year, our bodies have really taken the brunt of it!

“Botox will get rid of all my wrinkles”

This isn’t true, unfortunately part of our job is to manage your expectations, and where botox may soften the lines, lift the brows and create a more youthful, softer expression, it can not entirely irradiate deep set lines that have already formed over the years. That is why we see a lot of younger people having “baby botox” doses to act as a preventative. 

In short, it will work on your dynamic lines, but not the static ones that are there without facial movement. 

“I will see an instant change”

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Some cosmetic treatments you will notice a difference straight way, such as dermal fillers as these change the integrity of the face and will usually add some sort of structure or volume. However with botox it is important to remember that it usually takes a minimum of 4 days to start working and can take up to 14 days to fully take effect.

 This 2 week period is where you will see the end results, if you need any tweaks then ,a top up is advised for some within the first month of treatment as everyone is different, has different muscles strengths and more often that not we have 1 side of our face which is stronger than the other!

Although there is no real downtime after a botox treatment, we always advice you avoid alcohol and exercise for the first 24hours as this can inhibit your results and may leave you feeling a little unwell. 

Exercise encourages the circulation of blood and therefore may result in botox ending up in places we don’t want it to be! 

“When can I book in?”

We hope that after reading some of the myths about botox and how much it can actually do for you, the only question you have left to ask is '“when can I book in?” You can find the booking link at the top of this page, we look forward to meeting you!


Nina x


Bags be gone…


Pay for the skill not the ML.